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A simple way to make your titles captivating

2 min readAug 6, 2022


Various writers take different approaches to titles; Some spend nerve-wracking time writing out the perfect title while others simply write what comes to mind first. But the fact remains that: titles are the most important element where audience attraction is concerned.

As an invitation tool, It tells a reader what to expect from your article and why they should even spend time on it.

When writing titles, I follow the title rule of thumb which is to ensure my titles are both descriptive and concise. Creative not mechanical and empathetic not distant.

However, it always took up my time until I came across online title generators.

There are several ones out there but my favorite so far has been monster insight headline analyzer. It’s a free tool for analyzing the ability of your title to hook a reader’s interest. To use, simply enter your title in its text box and get a score on your title.

A score of 40–60 is good but anything above 70 is great.

Don’t worry if you score below average. Monster insight provides instant recommendations for improving your titles. Apply them and boost your title’s strength immediately.

Here’s a list of titles and the scores I received on them.

A Title is the only element a reader can see before perusing your entire content and should therefore be attractive. Thanks to advancements in tech we can make this process fun and easy through resources like the ones mentioned here.

Do you know other tools for generating captivating headlines? Do Comment below. Thanks!




I write about experiences unique to the creative/tech industry.